the school

Al Baraka School of Technology (HST) is one of the leading private schools specializing in computer science and information technology. It received its approval In July 2023, from the Algerian Ministry of Superior Education and Scientific Research (MESRS).

Its mission is to train future Algerian managers, providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in a constantly changing technological world.

Our vision

At Al Baraka College of Technology, our vision is to shape the future of technology. We aspire to be a center of excellence where innovation and research push the boundaries of technology within a modern higher education framework.

Our graduates will be prepared and supported to be the future managers in the computer and information technology field. They will receive the skills they need to implement innovative solutions and actively contribute to the development of the information systems field in Algeria.

With a solid grounding in computer science and artificial intelligence, our students will be well prepared for national and international opportunities.

Frequently asked questions

Is HST-Al Baraka a state-approved private school?

Yes, Al Baraka Higher School of Technology (HST) is the first private school specializing in high technology to be accredited by the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS).

What is the study system at HST-Al Baraka?

The teaching system adopted at the private university Higher School of Technology is the LMD system, which divides the university curriculum into three (3) cycles:

In the first instance, our school offers undergraduate training (Licence Académique) common to all Algerian higher education establishments, whether public or private. Upon graduation of the first class, new graduates will be offered an academic master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence.

Does HST-Al Baraka have any foreign partners?

As far as partnerships are concerned, we are in the process of establishing contacts that will enable us to set up a training program in partnership with one or more foreign universities, notably in France, the UK and/or Canada.

What are the payment terms?

We offer our students payment facilities to help them manage their budget while benefiting from excellent academic training.

Payment terms are as follows:

* 2nd year bachelor’s degree: DA100,000 on registration, DA200,000 before

on 12/15/2024 and a third instalment of DA200,000 before 03/15/2025 for

a total of 500,000 DA.

Is it possible to access financing for my studies?

Yes, thanks to our partners, our students can access financing for their study costs.

What qualifications do HST-Al Baraka teachers have?

Our teachers have taught at some of the most prestigious universities in France, including ENP, EMP (formerly Enita), USTHB, Université d’Alger, Université de Biskra, Ecole des hautes études commerciales de Koléa (HEC).